WILKINS Moms Know Best: My Standards Of Internet Safety For Kids

Tweet If you've been following my blog, you'd know that I am a full-time working mom in a telecommunications industry.  There...

If you've been following my blog, you'd know that I am a full-time working mom in a telecommunications industry.  There I'm taught how to be more techie, social, and use the internet wisely.  With this, I've learned that kids of this generation are called "Digital Natives" which my two boys, 9 and 2, are part of.  They are both knowledgeable in the functionality of my mobile phone, my laptop, the LED television, PSP, the X-Box and the use of Internet.

The last one is what I'm most scared about because they could be exposed to any content, regardless if it's for kids or adults, at any given time.  That could happen most especially if they are not guided or supervised while surfing the web/mobile internet.
My Standards of Internet Safety For Kids
My techie kids.  Mobile and web internet users at an early age.
I am a serious parent when it comes to protecting my kids from internet content by making sure they are exposed only to what's suitable for them.  I have rules and ensure that they are followed.  I allow my kids to embrace the technology but when it boils down to Internet Safety, I could be a bit OC about it.

Here are some household safety standards I enforce when they (particularly my pre-teener) surf the internet:

  • Give them a list of Kid-Friendly websites they could visit.
  • Bookmark certain websites to lessen search and risk their exposure to adult content.
  • Limit their internet time to weekends only and after doing homework.
  • Supervise their internet surfing at all times.
  • Configure privacy settings of their Facebook/Social Media sites
  • Not to give information to strangers on line
  • Never let anyone know your password (Mommy/Daddy excluded)
  • Orient Rules and Internet Etiquette (kiddie version) to be applied on (Facebook) sharing, status composing and in instant messaging.
Seriously, if you want internet safety for your kids, you have to be committed and consistent in implementing those guidelines so at an early age, they are already digitally cultured.

Remember the time when your children were younger and you only want to give them the safest drinking water and you choose just Wilkins?  That's how serious I am when it comes to internet safety for my kids, I want to give them the BEST love, care and protection just how Wilkins is when it comes to drinking water.  Because you cannot put a price on your family's safety.

How about you?  Was there any situation when your motherhood was compromised or challenged?  If you do, I highly encourage and invite you to share your story and submit it to Smart Parenting.  

  • Writers of the 5 selected stories for publication in magazine will each receive Php 5,000 cash and Php 5,000 gift certificates for Wilkins products.
  • Grand winner (story will be turned into a short film) will receive Php 10,000 cash and P5,000 gift certificates for Wilkins products
How to join:
  • Only MOMS aged 18 and above can submit their stories.
  • In 400 words or less, write about how you give your family the best love and care. You may include the challenges you faced, the lengths you have gone to, or the sacrifices and difficult choices you needed to make. 
  • You may write in English, Tagalog and even Taglish.
  • Submit your story to HERE
Wilkins Moms Know Best Contest Poster

Disclaimer: Some talking points in this post were suggested by sponsor.  However, the views and opinions stated herein are purely my own.

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  1. I'm really interested in joining, pero it says na for pickup lang ang prizes. Do you have any idea if pwede ibang tao magclaim ng prizes if ever? Davao pa kasi ako..

  2. These are helpful tips sis. I will need this in the future. Ngayon pa nga lang un 2-year old ko kaya na gamitin ang tablet kaya when he is using that I made sure nassupervise ko sya. Good luck sis!

    Mommy Maye

  3. Great info on how to lessen your kids exposure to undesirable elements. I'm lucky my kids are still young. I mostly open the webpage and supervise their internet activity.

  4. I agree with you mommy, kids internet usage should be well monitored mahirap na. And goodluck to you. Hope you'll win the contest. :)

  5. Parents should be vigilant when their kids are surfing. They tend to be very tech-savvy, though, so I guess we should put parental monitors on the computers they use.

  6. Go for parental monitors @disqus_irdOYPBa4b:disqus !

  7. Hi @disqus_U34QIx4U2a:disqus I didn't join the contest sis. :) But thanks dear! I hope you do join! :)

  8. When they were still starting @facebook-100001654769133:disqus I used to open the webpage for them too.

  9. Thanks @DaddyAllan:disqus , but I didn't join. Thanks again. :)

  10. Hi @Momaye:disqus dear, I didn't join the contest, rather I'm one of the advocates. :) Hope you do join though! :D

  11. Hi @MaanLaxa:disqus I'll ask about it. Thanks for your interest. :)

  12. these are nice tips
    as early as grade school i was also exposed to technology and internet, like you my parents give me strict guidelines
    hope you win in this contest ms louise

  13. Join ka @Momaye:disqus ha?! You do have a great chance! Go Go Go! :)

  14. Awww...di pa pwede ang aunt? hehehhe... I remember a friend telling me about this software you can download on the internet. Something like K-9...it helps parents monitor the sites that their minor kids are surfing. You can also set a passcode so they cannot access prohibited sites. It will even prompt you if they were attempting to change the code. That way, you don't always have to be hovering around and checking what they're viewing most of the time. It's also a good idea to set the desk top or laptop in a way that the screen is not facing the wall or an obstruction so anyone can always have a good view of the screen, specially parents.

  15. hahaha.. hindi raw @Aileen_A:disqus I've heard of that. My son always uses the laptop at the dining area and well-lit areas. :) THanks for this dear! :)

  16. Thanks @facebook-100002482478253:disqus I hope we could join nga as well, but I'm more of an advocate of this promotion. :)

  17. I like the term Digital native!!!

  18. I always worry when my eldest would watch videos on YouTube. Mainly it's because of My Little Pony, but there are so many videos out there that she could click on. How do I deal with this?

  19. use windows live family safety if you are using windows as OS, hehehe you can block the sites, limit the time they can spend playing and using the internet.. i am using it to my sister's account on my laptop, so she would not be wasting time on facebook and games.. hehehehe she's easily destructed and she cant focus on her homework thats why i did it.. hehehe XD

  20. great tips. I remember my nephews and nieces, they usually used my phone to play with it. but, I always check which application they use. as sometimes, they push the call button. hahaha

  21. Great tips! My nieces and nephews were already techie at a very young age. I get scared most of the times, they have their own facebook account and they can surf the net. Thanks for the tips!

  22. I have to learn to be stricter with my kids when it comes to using the internet. They do know the dos and don'ts and I set the parental controls that come with the laptops/built in software. My greatest concern is when they use YouTube or other video sites, it's so easy there to just click on something they shouldn't watch.

  23. You know kids nowadays ayaw paawat sa IPAD! Oh my G! grabe All I can see now are kids (even as early as 2 years old) know how to handle an IPAD! Im really scared now when my Sammie grows up! Huhuhu=(

  24. It's really nice to know that we have rules for the use of the internet. My eldest is using my iphone most of the times and sometimes I'm hearing voices from a guy but the video is Dora. I immediately grab the phone coz the guy was cursing and talking about nonsense things. Oh my!

  25. Good luck in the contest. Yes it's important that the kids know how to be safe on the net and to watch what they surf on it.

  26. my son is 8 years old, I dont allow him yet to use the internet but if my nephew is here they can play online.. by the way, good luck to the contest...Rosemarie/Gven-Rose

  27. it's good that you've come up with a list of rules for your kids to follow... these days, we can never be complacent...

  28. i'm not a MOM but this one's cool. Your kids are really techie ehh. :)

  29. Great entry, sis! I hope you win! ...cute ng photos ng kidlets ah!hihih...

  30. Good Luck to you Sis! Mom really knows what's best for her kids. That set us apart from anyone else.

  31. Hi @twitter-467071291:disqus , I'm not joining, rather I'm encouraging all of you to join the contest. :)

  32. Hi Sis @twitter-385264532:disqus thanks for that, however I'm not joining. Hope you join sis! :)

  33. that's true @google-4aab276c97a3f0e7ab1471535236cdbd:disqus !

  34. Hi @facebook-100000380911859:disqus Hope you join. This entry is not for the contest. Thanks.

  35. OH No! That's scary @Jhari:disqus that's why we really have to be vigilant. :)

  36. Same here @6a29d0eff94f16b7691aa85c465a9ead:disqus my toddler knows how to operate almost all our gadgets here.

  37. That's true @chinchin:disqus that's when I'm more strict when viewing You Tube.

  38. Thanks @facebook-1499477397:disqus I was the one who set up the Facebook account of my 9yo that's why I can monitor who he talks to what he posts etc. I also set his Facebook account to private.

  39. Thanks @google-7f5e636c2793f6a73f30f8c1b9e7e1b6:disqus I learned that in the seminar I attended.

  40. Kudos for setting rules for Internet use and doing your best to monitor them :) Good luck in the contest :)

  41. Hmm thinking about joining haha. I wish I got the time. LIke you, I have 2 kids and my eldest is a 5 yr old girl who knows a lot of stuffs with computers and gaming gadgets. :)

  42. these are great set of rules, i also do the same, maybe much stricter when my kids were smaller pa haha

  43. That is the challenge of every mom/family, actually. How to educate children in the use and value of WWW. Nice, this is an interesting contest! :) Good luck everyone!

  44. Its always important to monitor them not just for fear of accesing bad sites but also for the greater fear of connecting with people who have bad intentions on the web.This are very helpful tips.

  45. I'm very concerned with internet security too. My four year old only visits nick jr and mickey mouse clubhouse and only when I'm present. But time will come when she will use the computer by herself and hopefully by then she knows what to avoid. Alternatively, I want to learn how to configure my laptop so she's only allowed certain sites. Goodluck to us Moms :) -jellybelly

  46. The kids these days are very smart and precautionary measures are indeed necessary especially when using the net.

  47. Goodluck to you Ms. Louise hope you'll win! :)

  48. That was a nice list of rules you have set for your teens. That should be done by all parents out there I think

  49. Internet safety is very important and especially for children. I had the same rules when my kids were young and so I completely agree with your tips.

  50. Kids are Internet-savvy so parents should be one step ahead in making sure they are using the Internet safely.

  51. even the internet is not safe for our kids. sigh! good luck and i hope you win the contest.

  52. Thanks @google-cdaa0db8821d48a04a5240994e1e6026:disqus but I didn't join the contest. I'm encouraging all moms to join! ;)

  53. Thanks @google-eb2d653102bbe2c608d0bbb44201dd55:disqus :)

  54. That's how I started with my now 9yo son. Now he knows which is good and not good for him to go on the web.

  55. Hi @twitter-584665013:disqus thanks but I didn't join the contest. I encourage all moms to do so! :)

  56. Wow! How strict were you @facebook-100002249787754:disqus ?

  57. Thanks @verabear:disqus Do join the contest sis. Btw, I didn't join. :)

  58. Hello Louise ! I just would like to know if endorsing the product is required in the submitted story . I plan on joining but I need to be sure if the story will be personal or one that will have to promote the product as well.

  59. It should be personal, no need to endorse Wilkins. :) Good luck @2bc5edf1d5e74c0a97fa682634eae9b5:disqus ! :)

  60. Thanks a lot Louise ! Will submit my entry today.

  61. good luck @2bc5edf1d5e74c0a97fa682634eae9b5:disqus ! :)

  62. Also, I highly advise that you put the desktop or the laptop out of a room. Put in a high traffic area in your house, lets say, in your living room or near the dining area. That way they'll be forced to do their school work in the "publicity" of your house.

    Another advise is for you to install a filter, specifically for adult content, since there are certain websites that aren't classified as pornographic, however the content is pretty much unethical. People nowadays have certain means and loopholes to get through these things.

    Lastly, I think it's good to unplug the wifi at a certain hour. Why? since kids nowadays can access the internet via their smartphones/tablets. These gadgets can also be a means for them to access certain content are aren't suppose to be discovered by them.

    Hopefully this would help! :) Great to see concerned people around here :)

  63. i @f53865e9e01d5c9248bc3ce5d971be4a:disqus Thank you very much for your inputs. This is highly appreciated. :) Have a great day always!


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