Blog Inspired Workshop and My Blog Purpose

Why do I blog?  Without sounding serious or formal, I sincerely blog out of passion for writing, sharing and helping.  I've written this...

Why do I blog?  Without sounding serious or formal, I sincerely blog out of passion for writing, sharing and helping.  I've written this on my About Me page when I launched Mommy Practicality last July, 2012.  I haven't edited it since then.  Looking back to when I started Mommy Practicality, I am happy to say that after attending Blog Inspired Workshop, my purpose for blogging was reaffirmed and made me say to myself, I am doing ok and I started this with a correct mindset.

A few weeks ago, I was one of the very fortunate blogger attendees present at the Blog Inspired Workshop put together by Martine of Dainty Mom, Toni of Wifely Steps, Jayme of Optimommy, and Michelle of BeyondSilverAndGold.  For me, these women are the epitomes of inspiring and empowering bloggers who someday I aspire to be.

Jayme Gatbonton of first discussed how important it is to have a strong foundation for your  blog where she stressed it through an activity.

Her next class activity called "Walk The Path" taught us that sometimes, we walk through life blind-folded because we don't have a purpose.

Which all brought us to writing down our own Life or Blog Purpose.  The steps to jotting down your purpose are the following:
  • List down two of your unique qualities.
  • List down two ways you enjoy doing when interacting with people.
  • Answer this: In your perfect world, what does it look like?  How is everyone interacting with everyone else?
When we all tried this activity, we all ended up writing our individual blog purposes.  Jayme said that as we go through our blog journey, we may be diverted to a lot of new and exciting things that we tend to get lost.  Just look back at your written purpose when that happens to keep you on track.  Well, here's my purpose:
" My purpose is to share my practical qualities and talents to help and inspire moms to be empowered to make practical choices in life and still go for their dreams by developing or making use of their own unique talents while still being able to fulfill their other roles in life and still spend time creating a loving environment for their family."

Toni Tiu of helped us answer these questions we usually ask ourselves as bloggers.  When you're stuck and don't know what to write, just go back to your written purpose and consider your blog as your life journey.

Michelle Padrelanan of left the class with very notable list of advice for all of us:
  1. Have a purpose for your blog.
  2. Don't prioritize earning from blog.
  3. Prioritize inspiration.
  4. Be sincere.  Readers can tell if you're not.
  5. Keep going back to your purpose and modify if needed.
  6. Do your due diligence.
  7. Tell your story.

Lastly, Martine De Luna of left us all with steps on how to write as an inspired blogger.
  1. Write down ideas all the time.
  2. Offer unique feature that's all about you.
  3. Be inspired by your "now" moments.
  4. Connect.
  5. Anatomy of a blog post:
    • Headline - Topic with few supporting points
    • Grabber - First few sentences that hook your readers to reading more.
    • Heart - Body of your post.
    • Call To Action - Leave your readers something to walk away with .
After the workshop, I came out more positive, more energized, renewed as a blogger, and inspired to continue with my blogging journey.  I am glad I reserved a slot immediately when Martine posted the invitation on her blog (I even think I was the first one to do so).  The learning and inspiration were priceless. 
Sharing with you more photos of the workshop below:

Blogger attendees of the Blog Inspired Workshop
Yours truly with Jayme, Martine, Michelle and Toni
With Michelle Padrelanan and Toni Tiu after the workshop
With Martine and Jayme
If you are really passionate about what you're doing, be it blogging or any craft, I recommend that you take steps in enriching your knowledge and connecting with like-minded individuals for continuous learning and improvement.  

Now tell me, what workshops have you attended lately?  Did you learn a lot?

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  1. This is one workshop that I so want to join.

  2. This is one good workshop. I honestly haven't attended any workshop yet. I think the possibility of attending one becomes lesser when we transferred here in Bohol.

  3. Wow that's a lot of learning right there! I also have my ups and downs in blogging, and thanks for sharing what you've learned, I get an idea on how to manage. :)

  4. Naku, I think the one Jaymee facilitated last year was the last one I attended. Thanks for sharing what you learned at the workshop, Louise!

  5. I have not attended any workshops in a long time, and definitely not about blogging. With regards to blogging, I think that after trying out a lot for several years, I finally have 2 blogs that I can concentrate on. :-) I now find purpose in what I write and that has helped me sustain the blogs so far. The purpose and goals are what I go back to when I lose my focus or interest.


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Mommy Practicality is a home and lifestyle blog that's about positive, informative, 
inspirational and helpful sharing of life experiences of a working mom 
with topics on motherhood, relationships, events, food, travel, shopping, and finances. 
It hopes to influence moms and women to realize 
that it's possible to live a quality life while choosing a practical lifestyle.

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