Thursday, April 07, 2016
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
My Health & Fitness Journey And Discovery Of San Marino Tuna Laing
Wednesday, November 11, 2015I enrolled myself in a gym a few weeks ago to officially start my health and fitness journey. I was encouraged by one of my dearest friends...
I enrolled myself in a gym a few weeks ago to officially start my health and fitness journey. I was encouraged by one of my dearest friends to commit to a lifestyle changing routine for my own benefit. So, after three sessions with a personal trainer, these were some of the facts that I discovered about health and myself as well:
Having these realizations made me decide to eat healthier to be able to achieve my fitness goals. I now eat more vegetables and healthy meats and less of carbo food. In my lookout for healthy food I could practically and conveniently bring to work as baon or eat at home without the hassle of long preps or cooking, I discovered San Marino Tuna Laing.
Tuna has always been the food I turn to when dieting, not starving ha, and at the same time enjoying delicious food. San Marino has always come up with delicious variety of products for health-conscious individuals like me.
What I like about the San Marino Tuna Laing is that it’s so convenient to bring to work because of its easy-open can and it’s ready-to-eat, perfect for people always on the go.
Since I’ve been told by my trainer to eat more of the good stuff like fish and vegetables, San Marino Tuna Laing is a good choice because it’s made of real taro leaves, coconut milk and of course, tuna flakes. Parang kumain ka talaga ng lutong bahay when you taste it because it’s flavorful plus it’s healthy.
Perfect choice for my dieting phase because I get the nutrition I need without the extra calories. The taro leaves naturally has Vitamins A, C, Fiber, and Protein, plus it’s good for the heart because of the Omega-3 in tuna. San Marino Tuna Laing is great for my workout and dieting needs.
Now, there’s another alternative to our healthy food choices, apart from the usual San Marino tuna variants we buy. We could enjoy another delicious and healthy treat from San Marino, the new San Marino tuna Laing. It’s only Php32.00 per can of 180g.
If like me, you also are into your health and fitness journey or the more popular Balik-Alindog-Program, I encourage you to choose healthier food alternatives such as San Marino Tuna Laing. Like the San Marino Corned Tuna’s Facebook Page to know more about San Marino Tuna Laing. #SanMarinoTunaLaing #SanMarino
- I am bordering obese. – YES. I couldn’t believe it myself and I felt a little bad for allowing this to happen. My body fat index comprises of 37% and at my age and height, it should only be at around 20 – 25%. It’s sad, but at least I have a baseline and that I know what to target with my fitness journey
- That while cardio exercises may shed off fat, there’s a constant need to build muscles to achieve a fit physique, protein is needed for muscle building which comes from meat and vegetables
- Weight loss is achievable with ratio of 80:20, the former being food intake and latter from exercise. So which means, I have to choose healthier meals.
Having these realizations made me decide to eat healthier to be able to achieve my fitness goals. I now eat more vegetables and healthy meats and less of carbo food. In my lookout for healthy food I could practically and conveniently bring to work as baon or eat at home without the hassle of long preps or cooking, I discovered San Marino Tuna Laing.
Tuna has always been the food I turn to when dieting, not starving ha, and at the same time enjoying delicious food. San Marino has always come up with delicious variety of products for health-conscious individuals like me.
What I like about the San Marino Tuna Laing is that it’s so convenient to bring to work because of its easy-open can and it’s ready-to-eat, perfect for people always on the go.
If like me, you also are into your health and fitness journey or the more popular Balik-Alindog-Program, I encourage you to choose healthier food alternatives such as San Marino Tuna Laing. Like the San Marino Corned Tuna’s Facebook Page to know more about San Marino Tuna Laing. #SanMarinoTunaLaing #SanMarino
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
On Realizations And Choosing A Healthier Lifestyle
Tuesday, October 14, 2014Ever since my mom left us to a more peaceful and happier place with God, I realized a number of things about life. No, not just realization...
Ever since my mom left us to a more peaceful and happier place with God, I realized a number of things about life. No, not just realizations because the things I learned are the things I already knew by thought, but not by heart. I got to see them clearly when I was faced by this reality about almost four months ago.
Some of the things I realized even more were these:
Based on my readings, stress is one of the major causes of some fatal diseases like cancers, heart attacks, and strokes to name a few. That's why, as much as I can, I don't worry too much. I don't put to much pressure on myself even when deadlines are right before me. I don't sweat the small stuff. Cliche it may sound, but I do choose my battles. I try not to get mad nor affected too much about trivial things. I breathe in and out first before I react on a compromising and temper-testing situation or before relying to a difficult person. Because at the end of the day, you're at the losing end for bringing these baggage with you.
Some of the things I realized even more were these:
- Life on earth is temporary.
- When your mission is done, God can summon you anytime.
- Be busier spending time with your loved ones, than making a living at work.
- When you're gone, people will talk about how good you were, not how rich you were.
- Say I love you, Thank You, and I am Sorry, as often as you can to the persons deserving to hear them.
I must admit, that I do miss my mom and still cry over her loss every now and then. Which was why I went to the cemetery last weekend to visit her.
Anyway, where is this leading you? Healthier Food and Lifestyle Choices, yup that's what this post is all about. My mom was surprised by Cancer during the last week of April and was hospitalized for two weeks in June, until she finally rested. Though she was very active at the age of 70 with church services, Barangay Lupon, organization of Senior Citizens Association, and aerobics three times a week, admittedly she wasn't an active participant in healthy food choices department.
So since she left, I promised myself that I would eat, cook, and live healthier, for the sake of the kids and the hubby. I started with food choices. I failed several times with my exercise activities, but I am not giving up, I still keep on trying. It's not as simple as you think it is because it's a total change in lifestyle and of what you got used to eating, drinking or doing to your body.
But there are some doable ways to start choosing to be HEALTHY.
- Drink 2 glasses of water before eating breakfast. Like any automobile, you need oil and water to make the machine run smoothly throughout the day. You only have one body and unlike cars, parts are not easily replaceable, or it's at all irreplaceable. So better maintain it well.
- Drink lots of water throughout the day. Hydration is good for flushing out toxins and keeping your skin healthy too! Also helps in indigestion and constipation.
- Substitute whites to browns. This goes for breads (white to wheat), Rice (white to brown or red), and Sugar (white to washed or Muscovado) to name a few.
I shifted from white to red rice and I noticed a little change in weight. - Walk more or try using the stairs. A little exercise a day helps you lose some calories, great for weight loss.
- Cut on sodas and sweets. Some sweets are not good for you especially from junk food and drinks. The sugar content from these could lead to diabetes and unwanted calories which make us gain a lot of unwanted weight.
- If you can, don't use creamer on your coffee. Black is beautiful. Try brewed and put a little sugar only. If you're taking the instant coffee, try not to put creamer. If you can't help it, put just a little. Milk is a better alternative.
- Sprinkle Turmeric on your meals (when you possibly can.) Based on research, the Turmeric has a lot of health benefits like having anti-cancer properties, good to be used as antiseptic and anti-bacterial as well. It's also used for inflammation of skin or wounds.
- Change your pans to non-stick or ceramic and use lesser oil or none at all when frying. The lesser oil (or better none at all) the better. It doesn't add up to fat mass or bad cholesterol in our bodies.
- Eat vegetables and fruits everyday. We all know how good these are for the body. Nuff said.
- Stay stress-free. More of this below! :)
Based on my readings, stress is one of the major causes of some fatal diseases like cancers, heart attacks, and strokes to name a few. That's why, as much as I can, I don't worry too much. I don't put to much pressure on myself even when deadlines are right before me. I don't sweat the small stuff. Cliche it may sound, but I do choose my battles. I try not to get mad nor affected too much about trivial things. I breathe in and out first before I react on a compromising and temper-testing situation or before relying to a difficult person. Because at the end of the day, you're at the losing end for bringing these baggage with you.
It helps if you have a praying warrior in you, for you always know you have a bigger God than your problems. It does help too if you surround yourself with positive and successful people. People who won't bring you down. Be in the company of them who makes you happy, these are of course your kids, your husband, your parents and siblings, and your true friends.
It's easier said than done, really! Of course I know that. For someone who has been attempting to lose weight since time immemorial by starting then not continuing, I know. But it takes baby steps to get there. It takes little changes in life choices to make it happen. Walking could lead to running. The amount of food (could be carbo or sugar) intake you lessen could also lead to losing some weight. Plus it could lesser your chances to from getting unwanted diseases. Prevention is a lot better than cure.
Invest in healthier food. Invest in a gym or boxing membership. Invest in a nice running shoes. Invest in exercise apparel. Invest in regular health check ups as well! Let's aim to live healthier and even stronger! Because if you are a mom like me, you wouldn't want to be that someone who'd be missed by your very young children, right? You want to stay healthier, live stronger and grow with your children. You want to be alive, and strong enough to see your first grandchild too! :)
Are you willing to invest more in yourself by making healthier choices? I AM!
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"Be in the company of them who makes you happy" |
It's easier said than done, really! Of course I know that. For someone who has been attempting to lose weight since time immemorial by starting then not continuing, I know. But it takes baby steps to get there. It takes little changes in life choices to make it happen. Walking could lead to running. The amount of food (could be carbo or sugar) intake you lessen could also lead to losing some weight. Plus it could lesser your chances to from getting unwanted diseases. Prevention is a lot better than cure.
Invest in healthier food. Invest in a gym or boxing membership. Invest in a nice running shoes. Invest in exercise apparel. Invest in regular health check ups as well! Let's aim to live healthier and even stronger! Because if you are a mom like me, you wouldn't want to be that someone who'd be missed by your very young children, right? You want to stay healthier, live stronger and grow with your children. You want to be alive, and strong enough to see your first grandchild too! :)
Are you willing to invest more in yourself by making healthier choices? I AM!
~Have you made a healthy choice today? Do you have other health tips you could share loves? I'd love to hear from you!~
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
How To Make Your Child Eat Vegetables
Wednesday, January 30, 2013Are you one of the many moms who has gone crazy thinking how to make your child eat vegetables or even fruits? Have done all acrobatics a...
Are you one of the many moms who has gone crazy thinking how to make your child eat vegetables or even fruits? Have done all acrobatics and creative strategies to make your child eat and appreciate vegetables? Count me in! Ever since I had my first child, I've committed myself to only give him nutritious food, to introduce him to fruits and vegetables and actually liking them, and to set a good example by eating healthy foods myself. I succeeded with my eldest, he loves eating vegetables and is not scared to try new kinds of dishes.