Wednesday, February 20, 2013
JCI Philippines
Nothing But Nets
Nothing But Nets, A Campaign Against Dengue and Malaria
As a mother, we cannot be questioned about putting high regards to safety and protection for our children from diseases or illnesses. This includes but not limited to: common cough and colds, flu, hepatitis and the scary Dengue and Malaria.
That's why when my friend Monica Hipolito of JCI Philippines approached me to write about their cause on eradicating Dengue and Malaria, I immediately expressed my full support.
To better appreciate what the Nothing But Nets Fund Raising Campaign is all about, here's Monica's letter:
Nothing But Nets Campaign: Save A Life, Protect Yourself
JCI Philippines was tasked by the United Nations Foundation to help support Nothing But Nets to raise funds to help eradicate Malaria in South Africa.
For many years now, South Africa has been pleading to our hearts to help them eradicate Malaria. Now, more than ever, Philippines is pleading to your hearts to help eradicate Dengue.
Children from both nations are die from both Malaria and Dengue. Every year, one million die from Malaria in Africa. In 2012, more than 100,000 people were victims of Dengue in the Philippines.
There has been a decline of by about 25% in Malaria cases, globally since 2000. But there was a 25% increase of Dengue cases in the Philippines last year.
Now, more than ever, we need to bring our attention to these two nations, both suffering a mosquito carried diseases, both are leading causes of children’s serious illness and death.
Junior Chamber International (JCI) Philippines brings the attention to both nations.
Nothing But Nets is a global campaign where it aims to send as many nets as possible in Africa to help save lives and JCI Philippines would like to do so while protecting its donors from Dengue.
Philippine Life recently signed contract with JCI Philippines – Nothing But Nets to provide hospitalization reimbursement coverage of up to P30,000 for every donation of P2,000 for Nothing But Nets.
We are launching the campaign, Save a life, Protect yourself to help raise awareness and funds so we could send help to Africa through Nothing But Nets.
That is one of the first line of defense against those mosquito carrying virus.
ReplyDeleteMore power and support to JCI!
ReplyDeleteI agree @DaddyAllan:disqus !
ReplyDeleteThanks @twitter-385264532:disqus ! :)
ReplyDeleteI am hoping that these diseases will be eradicated soon!
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