Old School Blogging: ABCs of Mommy Practicality

I was reading the other day two of my friends' blogs that I follow and was amused by their Old School Blogging A-B-C posts.  I first rea...

I was reading the other day two of my friends' blogs that I follow and was amused by their Old School Blogging A-B-C posts.  I first read Martine's at Daintymom.com then Patty's, at Mrs. C's Sugarcoated Life.

Patty talked about old school stuff like slam books (which I still keep in my memory box, seriously!) old novelty and gift stores where she got her pretty notebooks (which I loved having too) when I was growing up.  So obviously, we came from the same generation more or less!  I instantly went down memory lane recalling my favorite characters back then, the trinkets I used to collect, the way I dressed back then, the shops I love to visit on "lakwatsa" Saturdays (with parents' permission of course.)

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So while reading, BOOM!  I was tagged by Patty to do this meme.  It also says on Martine's blog that people tagged are those who still knows how to have fun!  Well, darn right, I am that kind of person.  So here it goes:

A. Attached or Single: Very Attached

B. Best Friend? I keep a few really good and loyal friends and I consider each one of them as best friends like Karina, Joy, Anna and Anne.

C. Cake or Pie? Cake, make it chocolate please?

D. Day of Choice? Saturday and Sunday.

E. Essential Item? mobile phone.

F. Favorite Color? Black, Red, Navy Blue and Grey

G. Gummy Bears or worms? Either!  I love gummies!

H. Hometown? Manila baby!

I. Indulgence?  Travel (especially with white sand beach), hotel stays and massages.

J. January or July? July, hubby's natal month!

K. Kids? 2, D and W.  Planning to make #3 next year.

L. Life isn't complete without? My family.

M. Marriage Date?  Hhhmm...

N. Number of brothers/sisters? 3 handsome brothers.

O. Orange or Apples?  Orange.

P. Phobias? None anymore!  Used to be giving birth (because the first was traumatic), crawling insects and fish bones.

Q. Quotes?  "Of all the rights of women, the greatest is to be a mother." - Lin Yutang

R. Reasons to smile? My happy kids.

S. Season of choice? Summer when my school boy is on vacation and the sun is up, which means time for family vacation!

T. Tag 5 People? Lourdes, Marie, Janice, Meikah and Olga

U. Unknown fact about me? I used to play basketball in high school.

V. Vegetable? Lettuce, tomato, potato and brocoli.

W. Worst habit? Staying up late.

X. Xray or Ultrasound?  X-Ray, no sticky gels to deal with. haha!

Y. Your favorite food?  Bazed Ziti, Chocolate Mouse, Kebab, Creamy Soups, and Steaks!

Z. Zodiac sign? Scorpio.

I'd like to know you more through your A-B-Cs as well.  Copy this on your blog, answer the ABC questions and link it on the comment form below.

You may also check out Miss Elaine-ous Life blog to link up with other awesome bloggers.

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Mommy Practicality is a home and lifestyle blog that's about positive, informative, 
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with topics on motherhood, relationships, events, food, travel, shopping, and finances. 
It hopes to influence moms and women to realize 
that it's possible to live a quality life while choosing a practical lifestyle.

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