Riding the Bump Car with Daddy, One Fine Day

My Dad is my first love and he will always be.  I still remember myself as the four year old girl who was carried by my dad on our way to Fi...

My Dad is my first love and he will always be.  I still remember myself as the four year old girl who was carried by my dad on our way to Fiesta Carnival in Cubao.  He held me as I chose the prettiest looking bump car.  He guided me how to drive it and later on let me do it myself so I would enjoy the ride.  When I crashed with another car, I looked at him with sorry and scared eyes, but he just gave me an assuring look that it was ok, to go on and drive again.

It was his way of showing his trust and love for me.  He was never the vocal type of dad, like most dads are, but he has a way of letting me know.  The way he taught me how to ride the bump car was pretty much how he taught life's lessons.  Growing up, he had guided me silently.  I think he always knew that I was the strong one among my three brothers.  That's why when life crashed on me some years back, he just let me.  Not because he didn't care.  But because he knew that I can handle it gracefully and pick up the broken pieces and fight back.  He has given me that much trust and while I stumble from one decision to another and finally had chosen the path that was still complicated yet happy and more at peace, he was just there.  He never left me.  I never heard him say that I was wrong.  All he showed was support, understanding and love for me.

With that, I became the person that I am now.  There were no regrets in my life even if I've bumped and crashed, because I learned to: accept things better, pick up lessons quickly, and move on easily.  A big part of the character I formed along the way is my DAD.  Our relationship has always been the non-verbal type but I never felt, not even once, that he didn't care.

My Dad is my hero because he took care of the family and sent his children to good schools.  We had a modest living, which taught us to be grounded.  He didn't spoil me even if I was the only rose among three thorns.  He was very supportive of my school activities and has always been proud of my achievements up to this day.  He is my number one fan, as I am his.
When you see him, he exudes peace and simplicity on his face, non-pretentious, good-natured, positive, peace-loving and respectable.  That's why I perfectly know why even at his age of 73, he's popular among his peers and well-loved by any group he joins.

I am blessed to have a father like my dad.  He taught me well in life, but was never too strict to hold me too tight.  Instead, he let me fly, lose a wing and watched me get back on track.  With that, I thank him for raising me and my siblings well.  I thank him for the years he sacrificed working everyday to give us good lives.  I thank him for loving us unconditionally and for standing by us even if we've made some mistakes in our lives.
With everything he's done for me, whatever I am returning right now, will never be enough.  He may be under my wings now but I know that I could never level to what he did for us, for me particularly.  From loving and taking care not only of me but my kids too, I know my dad deserves more and only the best from me and my brothers.

So Dad, for as long as you're still with us, I promise to take care of you, hold your hand and guide you should the time come when you couldn't see well nor hear my voice clearly nor have the strength to walk from a point to the other, just like you did for me when I was still a small child.  It will never ever be enough, but I assure you that I will give you the best I could.

Thank you Daddy for everything!  I love you so much!  Happy Father's Day!

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  1. Happy Dad's Day to your father! This is also such a happy day for all of us daddy's little girls :)

  2. You got your eyes from your Dad Louise. Happy Father's to your Dad and husband as well!

    Blessings !

  3. you are lucky to have a father like him.. happy father's day to your dad and to your husband! :)

  4. You are a sweet, sweet child. You and our dad are blessed to have each other.


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